Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chief I'm awesome Officer

I have always envied people with really cool designations. I once almost took up a job because they offered me a position that had an important sounding name though the profile was pretty ordinary. Unfortunately in the last few years I've had to make do with standard (read boring) designations. Not that I have a problem with my current role. I like what I do but on paper it translates to something very ordinary. I find myself searching for words trying to describe my role when people throw at me their oh-I'm-so-good job titles. This one time I chose a fancy name for my business card, it was rejected by someone who didn't even know me citing some obscure reason even though my manager had approved it. I never applied for any ever again. This is also one of the main reasons I never updated my profile at LinkedIn. Every time I tried, that horrible 'title' text box kept staring at me as if it was mocking, 'Really, is that all you are?'

Coming up with a summary or headline is an art in itself where being modest can work against you. I have much to learn, meanwhile I'll live with what I have - code monkey.


Peter Thomas said...



FlyingHigh said...

haha yes, I remember that one.

~RAUL~ said...

Ha ha..good one, even I had a pretty boring title until recently when I managed to pursuade HR to put "specialist" at the end of it. It sounds so much better now !!!

Rinchen said...

Lol. Code monkey is my fave title too :D

GuNs said...

Aren't we all grown up enough to see through the trashcan of job titles? The fancier the title, the more useless the person as a general thumb rule that I follow. As long as you like what you're doing and you do what you like, "all is well". Insecure people care about job titles and recognition.


Aditya said...

Hey, I tagged you.

confused said...

long time....where r u.....write something new!!!

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