Saturday, October 01, 2005

Bounce and the Art of Living

With most of the junta gearing up preparations for CAT (MBA entrance) most of my weekends are spent lazing around at home, for lack of company. It was during one such weekend that me and another aimless friend realized that we weren't actually wasting away our lives, that there was so much to be learnt, that one didn't have to be a manager to learn the mysteries of life and to enjoy its beauty. Call it enlightenment, call it nirvana, it came from the most unusual source, our aging Nokia 6610 phones.

When we first started playing Bounce it was all about points, levels, high scores, beating each other, it was our weapon against boredom. We soon realized that playing the game was not just draining the batteries and ruining the keypad but was in fact building our character and making us better humans.
Like when we I was stuck at Level 4, I had almost given up and even declared that it was beyond my capabilitiy. Level 5 was a distant dream for me. But one day my friend crossed it. I tried again, focused, learnt where I was going wrong and then it happened. Level 5. My happiness knew no bounds. Always believe in your dreams, nothing is impossible. Level 5 meant more hurdles, more difficulties. Dont lose hope. This time we both did it together, discussed strategies, helped each other and we both entered Level 7 together. Friendship is beautiful.

Today we are in a crucial stage in Level 7. What is it that we finally want? What are our goals? Reach level 8? What next?
What we really want and hope is that the learning continues so that we will be equipped to face life, deal with it and learn to appreciate the art of living.

Oh hell, I'll just use the cheat code to cross level 7. Two weeks after putting down 'The Monk who sold his ferrari', the effect hasn't gone. I think I should take a break from reading and get myself a social life.


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~RAUL~ said...

I somehow hate the phone games except Golf(on my moto). I think they're just waste of time and ofcourse batteries(ultimately power). But then ppl do get hooked on to them. Talking of CAT(tried twice :(( ) it gives me shivers now. I think the best time to give CAT is when u're in ur final year. And go watch some plays if u're so so idle. :) :)

Someone said...

Bounce is a real good game. I think this is the right time to boast that I completed it two years ago :D. Level 7 is really tricky. Best of Luck
Read Monk but didn't like it much.

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Anonymous said...

hi..did not knoe that playing bounce could create such an impact on you towards life? haha..anyway all e best to u while playing level 7

Anonymous said...

CAT there, GMAT here...The desi life revolves around the ubiquitous "I wanna do my MBA" :-)

If you can't beat them, join them :))...I'm attending a few B-Skool information sessions this week :D


FlyingHigh said...

Rahul, Golf sounds fun but bounce rules! But yeah its effect is wearing off :)

Supriy Two years ago? I am sure you emerged a better person :))

Sijie Yeah bounce does leave an impact, try it sometime :)

Arun Good luck with those sessions, may be i'll attend some virtual classes frm IIMB. Dont know when i'll get to say 'I want to do my MBA', right now I want to cross level 8.