Friday, April 18, 2008

I use google news only partially to get my daily dose of the news. If you see my web history, I rarely click on a news item and if I do its usually general news.

Yet google grossly underestimates my intelligence by recommending either bollywood or other sleazy news.


My search history is also very clean. I wont post a snapshot of that ,you'll have to take my word for it. Whatever profiling they do is obviously not working.

I am not one bit happy about this :X


Anonymous said...

Would love a peek at the search history, thanks very much (although without any deletions, please to take care) :P

FlyingHigh said...

Haha, the only reason I didn't post it is coz it would have needed editing. :P

realistic dreamer said...

hmm if u really insist i will take your word for it ;)
and say maybe google wants you to read such silly news at times too n relax. after all too much of intelligence can be bad :P

Anonymous said...

Drat! I have GOT TO learn how to hack accounts :P

Changelance said...

I believe attempting to make the net a newsmedia would be much like attempting to make television into simply isn't goin to happen ;)

The best analogy I can give in terms of ur post is disruptive technologies ( online news media & print news media ) what we are witnessing is something akin to an arranged marriage where neither party is quite sure how things are supposed to look when they get together.. Interesting times ;)

FlyingHigh said...

rd, yes I suppose...and sometimes I am tempted to read the unintelligent gossip that it recommends for me :D

rd, :D

lokesh, haha the analogy was good..interesting times indeed!