Friday, June 27, 2008


Are you friends with someone because he/she is a good friend of your friend. You know, A knows B, and B knows C. So A knows C. A, B and C hang out together and have a good time though if B is not around A and C are just ok, not that great together. B is the glue.

I am glue to few small groups but most importantly I know many glues and hence know quite a few people through the glues. But off late I am been lying low. Not doing a good job as glue. And not keeping in touch with glues. My social circle is thinning rapidly and this is not good news. All this because I have not been blogging/gtalking/orkut-facebooking/phoning as much.

So why have I been lying low? No apparent reason. Just. The change that I was dreading turned out to be great. Excellent, in fact. I am now a firm believer of the age old saying change is good. More on it later.

Anyhoo are you glue? Or more of a glue-befriender?


Balaji Chitra Ganesan said...

yeah, I have taken diff sets of friends together on trips. they seemed to do alrite, except when looking at photos later, they wud go "hmm ... what was the name of that guy?!".

FlyingHigh said...

Hehe...I get very stressed out when I mix groups. You have to be careful either party doesn't get bored, choose common topics to talk about..
I'd rather tag along with some glue!

~RAUL~ said...

Am just a first time glue. I'll make ppl meet and then just drift off from the next time. I cannot stand trying to glue forever !!!

Where have you been all this while ?

FlyingHigh said...

raul, yeah playing glue is tough. I've been where I've always been. Whats up with you? Catch you on gtalk sometime...

realistic dreamer said...

well i guess iam glue befriender- like i did last.. thanks to you the glue ! :P

raven said...

i am a dual.. glue and a glue befriender, but these days its the latter.. the glue-able ppl are fast disappearing!!! thanks to IT's onsite funda.. grr...

FlyingHigh said...

rd, hehe yeah that was unplanned but turned out ok, i hope :P

raven, yes. Everybody leaves. I'll write another post on that.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... this was a super read! I laughed so much because I know of many such glues and am myself one sometimes :P