Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Escaping Reality

Is that even possible? Can one pause time, take a break from life and escape into a world unreal? Yet, many back home tell me that I am doing just that by being here. I am not escaping anything. The people I've met, the places I've seen, the lifetime of memories I've collected, those strong emotions, they are real. Unfortunately unless you have reached the milestones set by others for you, no matter what you do or achieve is as good as doing nothing at all. They mean nothing. I should learn to care less but it makes me sad. And in the process of convincing others I wonder if I am convincing myself. This is real. How can it be anything else?


Anonymous said...

Should learn to care less, thats what makes me sad as well. Glad that someone could put it.
But yes need to care less.

confused said...

U had a great time...n that's real,very much real n that's what no need to convince anyone :)

SR said...

aaaargh!! not again. am I imagining things, or am I one of the ppl back home here? :)

rahul123 said...

i say real things matter most all should believe in things which are real.
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