Friday, December 15, 2006

Is it wrong that when your friend is talking about her one year old son you nod and say 'Oh my dog was just like that when he was small. Don't worry he'll get better'. Dogs are so much like human babies that I know a thing or two about parenting but moms never seem to like the advices I give.



Anonymous said...

:-) Yes, it is wrong to compare babies to puppies. You would know why when you have your own. :-)

FlyingHigh said...

jk, Hmm, if you have a dog you'll know they are no different.

Anonymous said...

The above comment made me realize that u still havent realized what u did wrong

GuNs said...

Err...would you go right ahead and compare parents to old/rabid dogs?

I wouldn't !!


P.S. : Pix from Istanbul rock !

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do have a dog and I do have my kids. :-)

FlyingHigh said...

jk, hehe! ok you win :)