Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Kite Runner

This now figures in my list of all time favorite books.


HP said...

Bought the book almost a year back..
Never got around to reading it..

Need to dust the shelves and get this book on the table..


FlyingHigh said...

HP, read it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shashi Tharoor's "The Great Indian Novel". Though not in the same genre as TKR, I can almost promise you that you will love the time spent on it. Do a google search on it and get an idea of whats it like!

FlyingHigh said...

truman, I read some 20 pages of it (3 yrs back) before I got bored and quit. Have you read Shashi Tharoor's Riot? Its amazing. Must read!


GuNs said...

Shradha !
I got it too.

After literally pulling my hair out trying to get it from the library, I finally went ahead and bought my own copy.

Will start reading it as soon as I clear my backlog of books borrowed from the library.


FlyingHigh said...

Good, tell me how you like it.

Anonymous said...

i hated it, actually the main protagonist...but the book is awesome ( grudgingly) must read...

Trevor Penn said...

I concur.