Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A letter.


HP said...

Hand written Letters...In this age..Treasure..Real treasure

btw, who is this pen pal of yours?

the funniest thing that I have ever written is to my Dad describing the Cock-Cock fighting (as I had written) about the chicken fighting that I had witnessed in my native...


realistic dreamer said...

sho cute! :D

u r lucky u know?, to get a hand written letter in this era!
Liked the concern over bittu, though the spellings seem to convey something else :DD

realistic dreamer said...

hey that reminds me, i have one of urs! u wrote to me during summer holidays more than a decade back!! :)))

Anonymous said...

alright, this was the one :-) Cute! I have written quite a few like this :P must be great getting one! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Awww... so sweet!

You know, in my effort to be ambidexterous, my left hand writing is sort of like this kid's. Except that I cant write in cursive. Dont know how many years its going to take perfecting it :D

notbubbly said...
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FlyingHigh said...

HP, cock cock fighting..hehe thats sweet. I have written plenty of letters but long time ago. The letter is from my lil cousin bro.

Rd,you do? I remember writing you one..maybe you should let me read it now, I dont remember what I wrote. I have yours too btw :D

Aditya, this was the one after I replied to the 'one'.

Ringchen, :D. I don't even want to try writing with my left. For a klutz like me just making use of one hand is a....handful! :p

Anonymous said...

Btw, I was planning to put up a snapshot of my left hand writing too ;)

Hows that for similar ideas!?!