Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Two years old.

Blog turns two today. Most people land here when they google for the title of this blog. I don't know what you are looking for but I know you don't find it here. My sincere apologies.

One year birthday post here .


Balaji Chitra Ganesan said...

haha! speaking of conscience, I liked this quip from somewhere...

"A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it."

happy b'day to your blog!!

Trevor Penn said...

Birthday blogger, i wish you a great time ahead.

Reminds me that my blog should've turned 2 sometime last month. *sigh*

GuNs said...

Woohoo, congrats !
But seriously, is it only two years? I thought it was much older.

So how are you planning to celebrate?


FlyingHigh said...

Balaji, hehe good one :D

Seshells, tch tch..bad blog owner!

Guns, I think I'll spend some quality time with my blog.. :D

indicaspecies said...

And you need not be so modest:)
You write cool stuff!
So..rejoice! :D